
Porn vs. Erotic Voyeurism: Interview with Laurie Handlers on Sex & Happiness Radio Show

Laurie Handlers

Laurie Handlers

Originally posted July 23, 2013

What an honor and a thrill to be interviewed by incredible Tantra teacher Laurie Handlers. Her work has influenced mine over the years and it was a privilege to talk about porn, erotic voyeurism and my book project, From 6 to 9 and Beyond. Listen and download here.

Laurie Handlers interviews Candice Holdorf on her show, Sex and Happiness

Interview on Better Love and Sex Radio Show

Originally posted July 13, 2013

Tantra teacher and radio host, Devi Ward, leads the conversation on her show, Better Love and Sex. In this episode, writers Lori Ann LothianGreta Garbo and I discuss the prevailing FB climate of censorship of sex positive speech.!/id657572211?i=162502602&mt=2

SLC Radio: Female to Female Attraction, the Un-Talked About Subject

Originally posted July 4, 2013

I had such a fun time on the Sex, Lies and Consciousness Google Hangout sharing my perspective on female-to-female attraction. Thanks Mai, Lori and Steven!

Some fun stuff that we addressed: - Lipstick lesbians - Attraction & emotional connection to both sexes - What men fantasize about, may also threaten them - Girl on girl: Story time!!! - "Gay till graduation, gay till parole!" (WTF? right?!!!) - What is so attractive and irresistible about a woman?

Sex, Lies and Consciousness presents: Explosive Sexual Healing

Originally posted June 3, 2013

I had the great honor of speaking on a panel about my experience with Ben and Jen Rode, who are the founders of Explosive Sexual Healing, on Mai Vu's Radio Show, Sex, Lies and Consciousness. Watch the full interview below.

Panel discussion among women who have experienced female ejaculation through the work of Ben & Jen Rode of Explosive Sexual Healing. Show us some love with your generous sharing and liking of this video. Brought to you by Mai Vu of

Turned-On Woman: An Interview with Polina Smith

Polina Smith

Polina Smith

Originally posted January 20, 2012

"It will be turned-on women, and those who dare to stroke us, who actually change the world by feeding this desire for connection that we all have."--Nicole Daedone, from her TEDx talk

I had the recent pleasure to be part of a panel of OneTaste women who spoke on Polina Smith's radio show, Wholebody Talk. We discussed what it means to be a turned-on woman, how orgasm is a referent for our lives and new ways of relating to men.

Polina Smith from Wholebody Talk interviews Candice Holdorf and guests on what it means to be a "Turned-On Woman"

Appetite and Orgasm: An Interview with Frances Cheung

Originally posted January 18, 2012

The picture of me on the left is from a particularly low time in my anorexic life. It was right around my 27th birthday. I had gotten off the birth control and hadn't had a period in almost a year. I was visiting France and I couldn't bring myself to eat most of the food that was served. I spent a lot of my time in the kitchen cooking "safe" foods. I was also a little over a year away from Saturn wreaking havoc in my life...and my hunger awakening.

The voices are still there, but a lot has changed since then. I have a greater awareness now that those voices are there as a way to "protect" me from the bigger game. A game that is uncertain. A game that could have me look very ugly and greedy. A game that could have me fail publicly and be humiliated. In the past, I chose to believe the voices, keep my body tiny, my desire non-existent and my appetite quiet. Now my work is to thank those voices for their "protection", bypass them for the deeper desire and discover the power that lies within.

Frances Cheung, a holistic health counselor, recently interviewed me as part of her Step Into Your Authentic Power Program. In this podcast (link is below), you will hear my take on appetite, orgasm, desire and power.

Holistic Health Counselor Frances Cheung interviews Candice Holdorf on Appetite and Desire